Restorative yoga is the prolonged holding of a few simple poses to achieve a deep level of relaxation. Restorative yoga is an excellent opportunity to slow down and helps to prepare the mind and body for meditation and deepened awareness. Moving slowly through the poses allows you to explore your mind and body at a steady and natural tempo. The slower pace and deep breathing that you get in a restorative yoga class triggers the parasympathetic nervous system from the very first pose. This activation helps to mitigate the effects of the regular fight-or-flight stress response that can be damaging to your physiology and well-being.
The overall calming effect on the nervous system sets a deeply relaxing tone for the class that comforts your mind and body down to the cellular level.
Slower movements cultivate space for a deeper experience of the poses and the breath. Awareness of the physical sensations, the thoughts or emotions that arise, or sounds in the environment, can all take on a much more profound significance in the depth of the restorative practice. The comfortable pace of restorative yoga opens the doorway to a deeper understanding of your own body, letting you actually feel what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. The subdued quality of a restorative yoga class often helps you draw attention inward and away from external events and situations of the world. With your awareness directed within, the practice becomes a sanctuary for the mind and spirit from which you can take a deeper look at who you are, what you want, and how you can serve the world. Restorative yoga opens us up to new levels of self-exploration and contemplation, allowing your inner being to shine forth. Restorative yoga practice is the antithesis of the “no-pain-no-gain” mentality. You receive the greatest benefits from your practice not through forcing yourself into a pose, but by releasing and surrendering to it. This mentality helps to cultivate acceptance of your body and its inherent limitations. Further, it strengthens your ability to let go of preconceived notions of your body and how you think it should look or feel, both in and out of a pose.
Not all yoga is the same. When holding restorative poses it is important to carefully consider correct alignment. Our highly trained yoga guides will gently settle you into an anatomy safe restorative pose. Our yoga guides will show you kind adaptations that can adjust poses to your unique body type. Our guides will tuck you in and then top off your restoration with a little infusion of reiki energy.
*Please note this is a hands on class. The hive guide moves about the class to give reiki energy. Careful placement of hands to give energy is used. Students are always welcome to let the guide know that you do not wish to have hands on.
Coming soon to Bee You Yoga & Wellness restorative aerial yoga classes. Stay tuned!