The Yama & Niyama – Brahmacharya
The teachings of yoga have ethical principles that help guide us to a more comfortable way of living. Ethical principles need not be strict rules by which we judge the actions of others or something that divides us into “good” vs. “evil”. This guide provides a helpful method to break up the human experience and [...]
Read MoreThe Yama & Niyama – Asteya
The teachings of yoga have ethical principles that help guide us to a more comfortable way of living. Ethical principles need not be strict rules by which we judge the actions of others or something that divides us into “good” vs. “evil”. This guide provides a helpful method to break up the human experience and [...]
Read MoreThe Yama & Niyama – Ahimsa
The teachings of yoga have ethical principles that help guide us to a more comfortable way of living. Ethical principles need not be strict rules by which we judge the actions of others or something that divides us into “good” vs. “evil”. This guide provides a helpful method to break up the human experience and [...]
Read MorePredatory language and how people unknowingly reinforce its power.
Predators use language to battle the morale of their victims and society unknowingly reinforces these feelings of battered self worth. Predators intentionally use words that attack the self esteem of the victim and send the victim into a spiral of self doubt. Often the victim is left wondering what they did to deserve this or [...]
Read MoreSitting with Hate
Getting to know hate Emotions are not right & wrong. Emotions are a natural part of being human. They are also extremely useful tools. They give us information about our wellbeing, about our environment & help us be informed when choosing to act. It is only when we try to suppress emotions that they become [...]
Read MoreTavern Renovation – Day 1
Our first day renovating the Tavern! Accalia and I have started stripping the apartment side of the Tavern. We have committed to a couple of hours in the morning before filming our live classes. The first day included pulling up of some carpet in the attic room and planning out our method of attack. The [...]
Read MoreReleasing Fear
I have been body shamed my whole life. When I was young, I was the bendy kid. I bent my body into all kinds of unusual shapes. And in doing so, I explored my body and its limits, which felt good. My body felt better if I kept it moving and "stretching". Thus, it was no [...]
Read MoreI am sorry!
This weekend I took a workshop with the lovely and very knowledgeable Jules Mitchell. It was a lot to take in and I will be processing for a while. It challenged everything that I have been taught about the human body including my massage training! I would like to officially apologize for any mis-information that [...]
Read MoreWise words from a 14 year old yoga teacher
Happiness Happiness is not something you can simply achieve. You can’t go to an ashram and magically wake up enlightened with the key to happiness. It is not something you can take a pill for. I take a pill all my problems go away, I am happy now. No. It is not something that you [...]
Read MoreWrap your seeds in love
Thich Nhat Hahn writes about us having seeds inside. These seeds can be of many kinds, ancestral, cultural, experience… many of which we have no control over, we did not plant many of these seeds ourselves. When I first pondered the fact that I can choose which seeds to water I thought that was profound [...]
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