Tavern Rehabilitation Day 13
Did you ever have one of those days where you felt like you worked really hard but there isn't much to show for it? Today was that day. We are down to cleaning up the little things part of the work and it is slow and painful. We have all the little pieces of drywall [...]
Read MoreTavern Rehabilitation Days 11 and 12
Another 2 days work in the humid summer heat. The big smashy, smashy is mostly done so now it is on to the slow work of cleaning up. Pulling nails and getting the little pieces of drywall down. Today Zac pulled up the carpet in the living room and the floor beneath is really beautiful. [...]
Read MoreTavern Rehabilitation Day 9
Smashy! Smashy! Another day of smashing stuff. I stayed upstairs and finished up the floor. Nailing down loose floorboards. The kids spent time smashing stuff downstairs. Obviously smashing is more fun and they make much faster progress with the smashing work. We have now entirely filled up the downstairs with trash and desperately need to [...]
Read MoreTavern Rehabilitation Day 8
Another hot day in Morris County New Jersey despite the thunder storm last night. There was a gentle breeze coming through the open windows that made the attic a little easier to breathe in. We pulled carpet staples and nails out all morning. The attic rooms are almost done. The kids got started on the [...]
Read MoreTavern Rehabilitation Day 6 and 7
Our days are getting busier and somehow we are running out of hours. We didn't post for Monday, day 6. We cleaned some more on Monday. It doesn't look as impressive as the clean up is slow work. Mother nature has turned up the summer heat and it is mighty hot in the tavern! Our [...]
Read MoreTavern Rehabilitation Project Day 5
The Reality of the Project... Today is our 5th day on the project and the completion of our first week. We are not professional construction workers and only have a couple of hours a day but the work is rewarding, we are building our dream as a family. This project has had so many road [...]
Read MoreTavern Renovation Day 4
Today was mostly a clean up day. After all that smashing we had a lot of things to clean up. The pile of trash is impressive and the need for a large dumpster has become apparent. It is HOT sweaty work with no air conditioning and having to wear protective gear. The radiator is NOT [...]
Read MoreTavern Renovation – Day 3
Zac joined us today for the renovation, all he had to say was "soo much dust in my eyes!!!" We completed pulling up the carpet in the attic rooms and have almost pulled off all the walls and ceiling. Next challenge - how on earth are we moving that billion pound radiant heater?? We all [...]
Read MoreTavern Rehabilitation – Day 2
Day 2 was very eventful! We went to the tavern with tools and supplies in hand expecting to do a little more carpet pulling. Soooooo flip flops were worn. BIG mistake. I know this seems obvious but we were rushing to get out the door this morning. Lesson 1: Nails go right through flip flops! [...]
Read MoreTavern Renovation – Day 1
Our first day renovating the Tavern! Accalia and I have started stripping the apartment side of the Tavern. We have committed to a couple of hours in the morning before filming our live classes. The first day included pulling up of some carpet in the attic room and planning out our method of attack. The [...]
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